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10 Major Facts You Have To Know About Women

I think every guy and lady deserves to know these facts. I hope you find them educating and interesting. Do you have any other fact ?

  1. Women blink about 2 times more often than men. Interesting why?
  2. A woman will more easily trust somebody who hugs her for at least 15 seconds.
  3. Women usually tie the belt of a dressing gown higher than their belly button, while men tie it lower.
  4. An average woman eats about 2-3 kilos of lipstick in her lifetime.
  5. 80% of women’s wrinkles are caused by excessive sun exposure.
  6. While turning to the call, a woman usually just turns her head, while a man will turn his
    entire body. It’s because women have more flexible neck.
  7. According to researches, an average woman spends about 120 hours a year looking at herself in the mirror, which is approximately 5 entire days a year!
  8. After making love, women don’t feel like sleeping. They feel like talking and kissing.
  9. A woman doesn’t like it when her hands are free, this is why she is likely to carry with her a purse, gloves, a book or… something else.
  10. The first computer programmer was a woman. Her name is Ada Lovelace.

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